
study in Europe

Why study in Europe?

With a landmass of over 40+ countries, Europe is home to historic chateaus, glacier-filled mountains, a shared economic system and rich cultural diversity. According to the World Happiness Report, over 4 European countries occur in the top 10 happiest countries in the world every year. The following are a few interesting facts students choosing to study in Europe should know:

  • The continent is the cradle of the oldest and significant languages in the world. 
  • Most higher education institutions in the European Union offer diverse programs such as Medicine, Engineering, Business, Journalism and Research Degrees.
  • Europe is home to over 20+ national languages, including English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Polish and Portuguese.
  • There are 2500+ recognised higher education institutions in Europe.
  • International students can enrol in a bilingual program to become fluent in other languages.
  • Many European countries offer free education to international students with outstanding academic qualifications and research skills to contribute towards sustainable development. 
  • Almost all universities in Germany offer free education to students irrespective of their nationalities.
  • The Norwegian government sponsors free education to international students with taxpayers’ money.

Education System in Europe

Why Study in Europe from Nepal is a great choice?

  • Though each European country has its distinct higher education system, all fall under the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The EHEA system and the European Qualification Framework (EQF) help examine and monitor the syllabus across all European countries to follow uniformity and allow international students, academicians and researchers across Europe to collaborate seamlessly. 

    The study programmes in Europe involve classes, with assessment through exams, coursework and essays. Many programs in European institutions comprise a specific period to work in industry or allied projects. Besides, international students can opt for modular or hybrid course structures, (i.e.) students can construct a customised programme by opting for different units or modules of study in an academic year (choose from a wide range of courses). For instance, if you are studying Mechanical Engineering, you might choose one unit on Thermodynamics, one module on Machine Design, and one unit on Kinematics of Machinery.

    Bachelor’s degree
    3 or 4 years
    Master’s degree

    1 or 2 years

    3 or 4 years

Scholarships in Europe for International Students

International Students who want to study in a European Country can benefit from the 100,000 scholarships and financial schemes offered by the government. While some grants cover international students’ tuition fees, other grants cover the entire tuition, accommodation and living fees. With the number of students travelling to Europe rising every year, aspirants are expected to hold an impeccable academic record to qualify for a scholarship.

International students qualifying in the Erasmus+ Scheme and studying in one of the 33 Erasmus countries in Europe are exempted from paying their programs’ tuition fees throughout their academic tenure. Some international students may also be eligible to receive bursaries contributing to travel expenses and living costs on meeting the eligibility

Student Visa to Study in Europe

Students who aren’t a non – EEA/EU citizenship/nationality must apply for a student visa to study in a European country full-time. With a temporary resident visa, international students can stay, study, and work part-time during their entire academic tenure. The protocols for visa eligibilities and the requisites vary from country to country. 

While most countries in Europe permit international students to work part-time on a temporary resident visa, the others place restrictions on the number of hours students can work in their country. In that case, students need to apply for an additional work permit to work for more duration.

International prospective researchers can apply for a scientific visa to stay and work in any of the EU’s countries for carrying out scientific research work. The EU’s countries that welcome international researchers are  Austria, Bulgaria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, France, Finland, Greece,  Germany, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Sweden and Spain.


Student Insurances to Study in Europe

In order to study in European countries, health insurance is mandatory for those pursuing both undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Students studying full-time must insure themselves locally, or can reach out to Scholar Shares Education for choosing a qualified health coverage plan for their study period. Students can also contact their respective universities’ international offices to acquire sufficient information about health insurance and other allied queries.

The two major types of health insurance to look into while studying in Europe are:

  • Liability Insurance – It is vital as physical ailments could happen at any time and may cost hundreds of Euros if not insured accordingly. 
  • Household Insurance – This insurance covers costs of potential damages of any of the household items in your off-campus accommodation.

Popular Courses to Study in Europe

  1. Art, Design and Media
  2. Business and Management
  3. Computer Science and IT
  4. Data Science
  5. Engineering and Technology
  6. Humanities and Law
  7. Medicine
  8. Social Sciences

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